Election Day Blues (a song with actual lyrics)

I haven’t written in forever but this morning bad captions on MSNBC led to joking with Don about “election day blues” and suddenly I knew how to write that. So I did. It’s meant to be sung, and it’s as much the blues as a poor white girl from central CA can manage (which is a lot, but maybe not enough; your mileage may vary and I’m okay with that). And yes, I’ve already voted.

Election Day Blues

I woke up today and it felt like snow
And oh it’s cold, the day before the US election
It’ll all be over, for good or bad
Or it won’t and this is the beginning
Of the end of democracy

But it’s been ending, or it’s been changing
As long as we’ve all be alive
And we can make it, if we vote now
So they tell me, but Lord I don’t know

Everywhere someone will tell me I’m wrong
For believing we could ever be better than this
Or I’m wrong for saying we’re worse than we should be
And history judge us, we’re as good or as bad as
We ever were now/I don’t know
There has to be better than this

But it’s been ending, or it’s been changing
As long as we’ve all be alive
And we can fix it, if we vote now
So they tell me, but Lord I don’t know

I want to believe that a vote makes the
Dif’rence, I want us to rise up and cast out
A monster but he’s just a weak man who hates us
For not being afraid, And we all deserve better
I want to have hope/I don’t know
There has to be better than this

But it’s been ending, or it’s been changing
As long as we’ve all be alive
And we can save it, if we vote now
So they tell me, but Lord I don’t know

But it’s been ending, or it’s been changing
As long as we’ve all be alive
And we can save us, if we vote now
So they tell me, but Lord I don’t know.

Weeknotes 1.3 (Jan 22, 2020)

When I don’t sleep, I doodle…

Without any warning or reason, my insomnia faded away. I’ve been sleeping at least 7 hours a night, all at once instead of broken up into separate naps, for the last week. By itself that’s wonderful and I’m glad. But I’m also dreaming a lot more — not just more than I did when I wasn’t sleeping, but more than I usually do when I sleep okay — as if my brain is trying to shove in an extra two months worth of dreams on top of my usual slate, to make up for what I missed. Maybe this will recharge my brain, get my creative writing back on track? Or maybe it’s only pretty pretty lights playing merry hob with my brain, and in a few weeks it’ll fade away.

When I’ve gotten some sleep, I can decide to draw something specific, and then actually do it. Amazing!
Continue reading “Weeknotes 1.3 (Jan 22, 2020)”

Weeknotes 1.2 (Jan 15, 2020)

Second week of the new year. It’s been quiet here, warmer than usual for a January, and generally peaceful. I’m in between a lot of things right now, still figuring out what I’m going to do next. I don’t feel rushed, though. For the first time in years, I think I can take a minute to catch my breath.

Continue reading “Weeknotes 1.2 (Jan 15, 2020)”

Weeknotes 1.1 (Jan 8, 2020)

The idea is to do a quick update, once a week, about the week that came before. The idea isn’t mine; it’s been a thing for more than a decade. I’m not even the only person I know to do it: Don started something similar last year and I’ve seen it help him get back into regular blog updates, something I need to do for myself.

I got into the habit of using social media, particularly Twitter and IG because while they both suck for passively allowing Nazis, incels, and President Tr*mp to say whatever to whoever, Facebook can outright go fuck itself for actively adding to the world’s problems. In the process, for reasons I’ll get into another time, I mostly stopped using my personal website. But this space, in as much as anything digital can be owned, is definitely mine, while Twitter and IG and Fuck-Facebook and all the rest are, depending on the day, very likely not mine at all.

I mean, I’ll still use them in a limited way to keep in touch with people I care about. I’m not a monster.

But this is meant to take some of what’s been in my head for the last week and put it into words that you, people reading this post for your own reasons (hey, I don’t judge – you do you) can put into your own heads.

Continue reading “Weeknotes 1.1 (Jan 8, 2020)”