As often as possible this year, I’m talking to a different writer/creator and sharing those interviews on Wednesdays. This page contains links to all of the posts available so far…

2021 Interviews (sorted alphabetically by last name)
Phoebe Barton, “The Luminous Underground” (text game)
L.X. Beckett, Dealbreaker (novel)
C.L. Clark, The Unbroken (novel)
Zig Zag Claybourne, Afro Puffs Are the Antennae of the Universe: Brothers Jetstream, Vol 2 (novel)
Sam J. Miller, The Blade Between (novel)
Karen Osborne, Engines of Oblivion (novel)
Marie Vibbert, Galactic Hellcats (novel)
A.C. Wise, Wendy, Darling (novel)
Isabel Yap, Never Have I Ever (story collection)
I still have spots open for later in the year, so if your full-length project is being published in 2021 and you’re interested in being interviewed, please get in touch. The earlier you reach out, the more likely I am to be able to fit you in close to your release date.
I’m particularly interested in speculative fiction novels, text-heavy games, or nonfiction that relates to SFF. Traditionally published books available on multiple platforms are more likely to find a place here because I’d like to include links to small bookstores that are local to the writers themselves, which means showcasing books you could order from those independent shops. I’ll also consider established small press publishers and experienced self-published authors if the books are available from multiple outlets (which can include buying directly from the publisher). I know Amazon is inevitable but I don’t want them to be the only source for books if we can help it.
I can’t guarantee you a spot – I am trying to keep the schedule balanced between different types of projects, with an emphasis on early career writers or writers from marginalized communities – but I can promise to carefully consider all requests. Please give me at least 30 days to respond before querying again.
If you like what I’m doing here and want to buy me a cup of coffee to help fuel my caffeine-infused efforts, you can drop a few coins in the virtual tip jar via PayPal or KoFi (links go to my accounts). Thank you for your support!