If you’re not staying home as much as possible, wearing a mask or face covering when you go out, and generally trying to keep us all safe by flattening the curve, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I’m tired of the people who look at the state of the world and choose to spend their time and energy spinning conspiracy theories, selling snake oil, or snarking at those trying to be as safe as they can. I give up on y’all. I wish you well, I hope you stay healthy despite your own actions, and that’s the best I can do anymore.
Last week’s note would have posted April 1, but I wasn’t in the mood.
Despite that I am, mostly, finding my way through all this, and most of the time, happy. I’ve cleared out a space for a tiny “corner” office (as in, it’s a corner of another room), and I’m getting things done. Drawing daily, blog posts, even working on a novel once in a while. My son is fed, my cats are snuggly, and my pandemic haircut is extremely cute.
I reviewed Stray Dog on the 1st; you can read that here. I also posted a reprint review of Were the World Mine on Monday; if you haven’t seen it before, you can read it here.
Also, Tales From the Loop dropped on Amazon Prime this week and I’m not done with it, but if you like slow, atmospheric anthology series with weird physics and robots, you’ll love this.
I got into Simon Stålenhag’s art years ago – his rustic futurism is grounded in nostalgia for a world a lot like the one I imagined as a kid, but we never actually got. He built a game called Tales from the Loop based on his art, where kids solve Mysteries in their own hometowns, and that inspired the series. I love the game, which reminds me of both Shadowrun and Stranger Things, while remaining uniquely its own thing. If you haven’t seen his art or played the game, I recommend them both.

My comics re-read continued with DMZ. I also read the first two collected books of Matt Kindt’s MIND MGMT; I wrote about “The Manager” here, and “The Futurist” review goes up Friday.
Extra Bits:

I’m posting my daily warmup drawings for April over on my Instagram. They’re not great, not my best work, but they’re fun. I’m sharing them because a) it’s good for me to get over feeling like everything has to be perfect before I show anyone, and b) it’s good for me to have this daily drawing practice, and remembering that I promise to post them helps me allow myself to make time for it.
Notes and References:
- Flatten the Curve has updated medical advice and information about Covid-19, the novel coronovirus, in plain, easy-to-understand language.
- Simon Sta’s online gallery is here.
- You can buy Tales From the Loop game books direct from the publisher here.
- If you’re in NYC and want a treat – or if you want to send food to a friend, there’s “Iconic” food you can order right now.
- If you have hospital-grade masks, gloves, or other PPE (even a single box), please check out how to get those to healthcare providers in need.
- And if you’re in NYC and need help feeding yourself/your family, this page lists resources for you.
Stay home, and stay safe.